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Please circulate this announcement as appropriate.

Please plan to attend the *2009 Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society *in Madison, Wisconsin. We are now soliciting abstract submissions.

The meetings will occur July 30^th to August 2^nd and the theme for 2009 is *Climate Change and Societal Response: Livelihoods, Communities and the Environment*. Academic research papers, posters and organized sessions related to the theme as well as other topical matters of interest to rural sociology and related social sciences are invited. Go to for more information about the 2009 conference and to find information about how to submit a paper/poster abstract. You will need to create a login account to submit an abstract (and please note due to the use of a new submission system for 2009 you will need to create an account even if you have created an account to submit for earlier meetings).

Planning for the 2009 meetings is on-going, but here are some highlights:
--There will be a plenary address focusing on this year?s theme of Climate Change and Societal Response and other thematic special panels and sessions are planned --Students are especially welcome at the meetings and a number of student-oriented social and professional development activities will take place. Be sure to check out the conference website for further details in the coming months. --Pre-meeting activities will take place on Thursday, July 30th, including some pre-meeting workshops and interest group sponsored field trips. These pre-meeting activities are generally open to anyone to participate as space is available and by registration. More detail about these activities will be available in late winter at --Several conference wide social activities are in the planning, including an evening of music and dancing and don't forget the world-famous Madison Farmers Market on Saturday morning.

*Below are the important deadlines to keep in mind.

*February 2: *DEADLINE* for submitting proposals for individual research papers or posters as well as for workshops and organized paper sessions or panels. The on-line submission system can be found at <>.

March 2: Volunteer by this date to be a session chair or discussant (to volunteer, e-mail _rss2...@osu.edu_).

July 13: *DEADLINE* for uploading papers on the conference website and making papers available to session chairs or discussants.

*A few additional notes regarding the types of submissions for which we are soliciting:

*Abstract submissions for* individual research papers will be considered for inclusion in a paper session allowing for 15-minute academic presentations. *Thematically related paper proposals will be grouped appropriately by the program committee to create the sessions. Notification of the acceptance of individual papers will occur no later than March 9^th .

Abstracts for* posters *will be considered for inclusion in a 2-hour poster session. The poster session will be the only scheduled conference activity during this 2 hour period to maximize interaction between presenters and conference attendees. *All posters presented will be considered for awards, *including an award for outstanding poster by a faculty and outstanding poster by a graduate student.

Proposals for *workshops*, *organized paper sessions* and *panels* will be considered for 75 or 90-minute sessions. Proposals for these activities will be reviewed by the program committee and notification of acceptance will occur no later than March 9^th . Proposals are encouraged that address current or emerging topical research, teaching, extension, or policy matters. Organized paper sessions should be comprised of at least three papers and include geographically and intellectually diverse presenters.

Please direct questions to _rss2...@osu.edu_ and we?ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Thank you,
Jeff Sharp
2009 Rural Sociological Society Program Chair
phone: (614)292-9410    e-mail:

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