Happy New Year Gep-eders! Thank you very much to everyone who made this
list a rich one indeed. I apologize for clogging your inboxes in the

Great Urban thinkers/Urban Politics Reading list
●       Ivan Illich
●       Mike Davis (Planet of Slums)
●       Paul Goodman   
●       Lewis Mumford (especially for City in History; The Culture Of
Cities; Technics and Civilization). It was noted that Mumford also
exchanged letters with Gandhi and worked with Rabindranath Tagore that
may add dimension to Mumford’s contribution.
●       Jane Jacobs
●       Irving Altman
●       Timothy Beatley
●       William Cronin
●       Andres Duany & Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk (collaborative work)
●       Joel Garreau
●       Dolores Hayden
●       Setha Low
●       Kevin Lynch
●       John Reps
●       Camillo Sitte
●       William Whyte
●       Teresa Caldeira (City of Walls)
●       Hochstetler and Keck, Greening Brazil, Duke 2007
●       Javier Auyero
●       Ramachandra Guha (Environmentalism:  A Global History; India
After Gandhi; This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India;   How
Much Should a Person Consume? Environmentalism in India and the United
●       Robert Moses
●       David Harvey (Social Justice and the City)
●       Anil Agarwal (Anil Agarwal Reader)
●       Suniat Narain
●       Patrick Geddes (Cities in Evolution)

Peter J. Jacques, Ph.D. 
Department of Political Science
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 161356
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32816-1356 

Phone: (407) 823-2608 
Fax: (407) 823-0051

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