Dear Colleagues,

I'm posting this note on behalf of Jörg Balsiger, who was unable to post this himself because of a technical glitch with the gep-ed list. Please reply directly to Jörg or Miriam at the email addresses they provide below.

Mike Maniates
occasional gep-ed troubleshooter


We're planning to propose a panel on comparative regional environmental governance for ISA 2010 and are looking for people who might like to participate.

The panel proposal, which is part of a larger effort to organize a workshop on the topic, is roughly the following: "As climate change negotiators prepare for Copenhagen to decide on the outlines of a future global climate change regime, there is growing recognition that actual mitigation and adaptation will have to take place much closer to home. In other environmental issue areas as well, the transaction costs of global regimes, as well as a creeping "global convention fatigue," are producing a shift in the locus of impetus, implementation, and innovation to regional levels.

Compared to global approaches, regional initiatives can benefit from enhanced commonalities and familiarity among key actors, and the ability to tailor actions to a specific constituency. Yet, research in the emergent sub-discipline of regional environmental governance suffers from some distinct flaws. Central among them is the almost complete absence of comparative work. There is, for instance, little reflection on how a 'region' is defined across the globe, nor do the prevailing single-case studies contribute to systematic theory development. The proposed panel will address these shortcomings through an explicit emphasis on the comparative study of some of the central analytical elements: the nature of regions, the interplay between the regional and other levels of governance, and the specifically regional nature of actors and interactions between them."

If you're interested, please write to me (
or Miriam Prys (

Best regards,

Jörg Balsiger, Institute for Environmental Decisions, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich Miriam Prys, Center for Comparative and
International Studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

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