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You may be interested in the working paper-Wang, H. and J. Firestone, The
Analysis of Country-to-Country CDM Permit Trading using the Gravity Model in
International Trade,-which is now available for download at,  Comments on the
paper are most welcome.  An abstract follows. Cheers, Jeremy



The quality of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an increasing
concern for international community to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions,
especially when international community is working towards another GHG
reduction agreement. Among other reasons, the CDM has been complained that
it favors some particular countries and that the imbalance in the
distribution of the CDM has harmed the original purpose of this
institutional arrangement. In this paper, we evaluated the current CDM
projects based on econometric models in international trade theory and
concluded that while the CDM was suffering from such imbalance, the primary
determinant of the CDM replied on the total GHG emissions from host and
credit countries. They were positively and consistently related to the CDM
projects. The degree of openness, infrastructure and colony were important
if all CDM projects were considered, but not significant when only accepted
projects were included. We calculated that if the degree of openness and the
infrastructure increased from 25 percentage to 75 percentage, the host
country could attract 73% and 4% more CDM respectively. Our paper showed
that the CDM projects distribution did not just imbalance towards some big
countries, but a response to current environmental, economic and domestic
policy situations. We then discussed these results in the context of
policy-based action that might limit or otherwise affect the CDM
implementation after the Copenhagen.



Jeremy Firestone

Associate Professor, College of Marine and Earth Studies

Senior Research Scientist, Center for Carbon-free Power Integration

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 19716 USA

1-302 831-0028 (office)

1-302 831-6838 (fax)


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