*Apologies for Cross-Listing*
*For further info, contact:  Dr. Deborah Rigling Gallagher (**
deb.gallag...@duke.edu**), Chair, Environmental Management Search Committee,
Nicholas School **of** the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708*

Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor of the Practice
ofEnvironmental Management, beginning August, 2009. The Duke
Leadership (DEL) program, a combination on-line and face-to-face master of
environmental management degree program for experienced, working
professionals, seeks an individual to teach graduate courses and conduct
research in program management. The primary focus of this position is on
issues of environmental management. A successful candidate would also
develop a research program centered on critical issues at the intersection
of environmental public policies and business practice. Teaching
responsibilities include graduate instruction in program management for both
the DEL program and the residential masters program and in the successful
candidate’s area of specialization (75%), with a secondary emphasis on
research (25%). Although not tenure-track, the position is intended to be
long-term (renewable multi-yr contracts) with comparable compensation and
benefits to that of the tenure track. The ideal candidate will be an
interdisciplinary scholar with at least 5 years of demonstrated work
experience, analytic skills in public policy analysis and business
management and a specific research focus in an area of environmental science
and management. An interest and ability to teach in an on-line learning
environment and effectively work across disciplinary boundaries is highly
desirable as is professional management experience.

The Nicholas School offers a stimulating teaching and research environment,
undergraduate, professional and graduate programs, and is recognized as one
of the leading institutions for scholarly activity in the field
ofenvironmental science and policy. The Nicholas School has particular
strength in the areas of conservation science, ecosystem management,
watershed ecology, environmental health, environmental economics and policy,
energy and earth sciences. Excellent opportunities exist for collaboration
with faculty in a wide range of disciplines within the Nicholas School, the
Duke University community and the larger Research Triangle regional
consortium of universities and research centers (Duke, UNC, NCSU, and NCCU).

Applicants must possess a doctoral degree in a relevant field such as
environmental management, sociology, business administration, public policy
analysis, anthropology or public administration and have demonstrated
excellence in teaching, research, and communication. The successful
candidate will be expected to teach graduate courses, develop a productive
research program and actively supervise professional students.

The Nicholas School and Duke University are committed to equal opportunity
in employment. Applications are strongly encouraged from qualified women and
members of underrepresented minorities.

Please send any inquiries by email to: Dr. Deborah Rigling Gallagher (
deb.gallag...@duke.edu), Chair, Environmental Management Search Committee,
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708.
Please send application documents to include a letter of interest,
curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for three references to:
Sherri Nevius (sherri.nev...@duke.edu). Consideration of applicants will
begin December 7, 2010, and will continue until the position is filled.

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