I believe that you get what you DREAD getting the
most, as that is where your energy is focused, in life
as well as gerbils.

So, since I do NOT like spotted animals in general
(including a lovely paso fino tri-color mare that my
daughter owns), when I purchased a black female which
had been bred to a spotted male, I dreaded the spots
and thought the most about the spots appearing. . .

Hence, the split was 7-pups, 5 of which were spotted!

Since you have so many blacks, I assume you did NOT
want blacks. . .

Very unscientific, but at the quantum physic level,
the actions and expectations of the observer does
effect the outcomes of that being observed. . .

Although I am serious, in a smiling way regarding the
"expectation factor", the cited percentages of
inheritability are based on an average of 100 pups.
Your sample is too small for extrapolation, and has
too large a error factor.

Smiles and Namaste.


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