You might find this amusing!
I had my gerbils out on the sofa playing through wrapping paper tubes, and i had hot tea on the floor. (Molly and Matilda are 2 of their names) Molly jumped off the couch and dove into the hot tea, floundering about like a drowning cow in water. (LOL) I was really worried and ran to her rescue. I dryed her with cotton balls and some blow dryer. She was fine, no burns on her that i know of, but she seems fine. This happened about a week ago. They weren't sleeping together for awhile, probably from the smell of tea. heehehe. Is tea okay for her to drink? I'm sure she swolowed some. How can I tell if she got any in her ears?! Thanks for your help. -Lauren and the Mighty Clan |
- Re: Gerbil in my tea!!!!! Lauren Bowman
- Re: Gerbil in my tea!!!!! Dejan Pavlovic
- Re: Gerbil in my tea!!!!! Tana and The Little Rascals
- Re: Gerbil in my tea!!!!! Jennifer Hinze