> I live in DE but I'm willing to drive 2 or 3 hrs to meet someone. I
> am needing to place all my gerbils by August 22nd as I am leaving for
> college where I"m not allowed any gerbs =(

Elizabeth, I know you'll miss your gerbils! Maybe later you could live
in an apt that allows them??

Are you still going to be on the list? I'll miss you if you're not, but
I hope you will be!

Good luck at school--I'd bet you'll do VERY well! And make sure you
ENJOY it, too!

Julie & Michael
Alex P. Kitten & The Little Rascal
Zooty & Goldie (the Newlyweds!)
Pippin (The Loner)
Sparky & Norman (the White Boys)
Bossy & Baby (The Slate Spot Twins)

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