> and can i mate with them??

I couldn't resist having a little giggle at that too, but I'm not laughing AT
ya, I'm just laughing NEAR you.  *grins*  Just kidding.

Anyway, my breeding pair is a brother and sister pair.  I hadn't realized it
when I bought them (don't ask me HOW I didn't notice, seeing as they were
both the same spotted color AND from the same tank, but I plead Oblivious

I don't recommend breeding brothers and sisters.  Granted, I don't know how
many generations mine have been inbred (they came from a petstore rather than
a breeder), but I've had some problems with my litters.  Yet another reason
why I'm going to stop breeding as soon as these pups are old enough to

But that's just my two cents...more or less depending on conversion!

The Eisen Clan

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