My female lilac and male spotted agouti had 8 pups 2
days ago....woohoo!
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 9:48 PM
Subject: Different eye colors


I am watching a litter being born as I speak :)  4 pups so far but I have a
feeling there are more on the way.  My question is one of the pups has one
very dark eye and one pink eye.  Is this unusual?  I have not had it happen
yet.  The pup is also very pale and seems pretty weak so I'm not sure it will
make it but it's nursing so I think there's hope.  Has anyone out there had a
pup with different color eyes?  
~Iva and the Jumping Gerbils.....www.geocities.com/keeper282

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