My condolences.  3 1/2 is a common age for them to go, so don't feel
like his/her life got cut short in any way.  Are we talking male or
female?  If the remaining gerbil is a male you could introduce (in a
week or so) a pair of male pups.  Use the split-cage method and it
should work great.  That way when the older one goes the other two still
have each other.  If the remaining gerbil is female, it can get
stickier.  If you can locate another female about the same age that's
your best bet.  Otherwise I'd just make sure she has plenty of toys and
attention, and keep an eye on her.  If she seems lonely then you'll have
to try introducing a partner, even if all you can find is a young female
pup.  Just watch the intro VERY closely, and if you can get from a
breeder who will work with you if she rejects the first pairing.

"" wrote:

> My son has had two black gerbils for about 3 1/2 years.  One of them
> died
> yesterday.  There were no signs of bad health or stress.  It appeared
> to have
> died in its sleep.  Perhaps this is how long gerbils live.  So now the
> big
> question is can we get some new gerbils (after an appropriate mourning
> period, of course).  Does anyone have thoughts on this.  I have heard
> that it
> is difficult adding new gerbils to old ones.  The original two were
> brothers
> that slept on top of each other since they were pups.
> Thanks for your help.
> Sitting Shiva in Connecticut

Tana and The Little Rascals

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