One: How do you pronounce Agouti?

Two: Are there albino Gerbils? The albino locus
"controls the overall color of the gerbil" so would cc
make an albino Gerbil?

Just a couple of questions I came up with as I was
reading up on Gerbil genetics at NGS

BTW: The vet is closed on Wednesdays >_<
So I'll have to call tomorrow (regarding Chibi-chan).

Oh! And another question: Are people trying to come up
with True Blue Gerbils or was that just dismissed? I'd
like to get one (or two or three..) of those, but I
don't know where to look.

Just thought of another question: Can anyone help me
find breeders around Bremen, Georgia (Carroll County,
about an hour's drive Southwest from Atlanta)?


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