I adopted some gerbils from the Dani Clan this week.  I did a split cage with
Riven and my little Scruffy. Scruffy has been very skittish in the past about
introductions and that's partly why he was alone. Scruffy isn't one to start
a fight, just very nervous about sharing a tank. Riven came to me already
living alone for some time, so I figured I'd give them a try. Within a day
Riven had broken down the mesh divider. The 2 of them kept checking each
other out from across the tank, but I think they are both lonely and want to
make friends. It's so cute and interesting to watch their behavior. I had to
remove the wheel at first, as Scruffy didn't want to share it, but I put it
back in and they were taking turns. It was sooo cute. And now they are
sleeping cuddled together :-)
Elizabeth needs to adopt out more of the gerbies before school starts. I now
have 4 Danis of my own and I recommend them to all gerbil lovers. They really
are very sweet. Thank you Elizabeth. And your mom is the coolest.

The Dani Clan .


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