>Hi - I've been dealing with someone who wants to sell me a mother gerbil
>her babies, a week old tomorrow.  Is it safe to ship the mother and babies
>when the babies are about 2 weeks old?  Just wondering.
>Please reply ASAP, as I need to close this deal with this breeder soon!

Once more...shipping by the USPS is ILLEGAL.  It is a Felony.
Even if the post office employees are asked, most don't know
it..and that doesn't get you off the hook.  The employee gets
it for aiding and abetting a felony along with their boss.

Lots of people have done it and not gotten caught,  but it
isn't worth the risk to the animals.  And some that did, have
horror stories about what happened.

Falsifying the contents on the box adds to the charges.
Even if the postal clerk takes the box, it doesn't get you
off the hook.

If the gerbils would happen to get out during transport, it
could possibly ground a plane to be fumigated and inspected,
and the shipper would be liable for that...I was told it is 96 hours
straight down time billed; plus the time to have all the wiring
inspected, a 747 has miles of it.

Also the package could get mangled in handling, I have
had some wonders returned to me as half an identifiable
tatter in a plastic envelope (non living durable goods).

If it is discovered in transit, the animals probably will be
confiscated, and the charges added are cruelty to animals.

At this time of year, temperature on the tarmac or in a
truck can peak 150 degrees in a matter of a few minutes.

That kills a human in 20 minutes in a confined area.

I know, the only legal ways are air freight (prohibitive)
and car-pool/rideshare.

Rebel's Rodent Ranch

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