Hello all,
I haven't updated for some time so here it is. My husband and I really have our hands full with Pandora & Blade's pups & Thumper and Bambi just had 6 more that are just now getting fuzz... we left her 3 older pups in and they are helping take care of the new ones. It's really very cute to watch.
We are new to breeding and I had no idea it took so much time and there is my constant "checking" of everyone on at least a twice daily basis... just to do a head count and see if everyone is "okay".
On a real sad note... last nite I was checking Pandora's kids and there was this one little tiny guy of the 5 that has had quite a struggle. He had a respiratory problem and we had him on antibiotics and so he is half the size of his siblings. But he was doing better this last week and we had all the hope in the world that he would be okay. I took him out and handed him over to my husband to see if he heard any of that "clicking" anymore in his breathing and the little guy wiggled and jumped and got dropped to the floor on the kitchen tile. My husband picked him up right away and he had like convulsions or a seizure. He passed away about a minute later. I took him from Don and held him in my hands kissing him and blowing into his little mouth trying to revive him. Finally I gave up and held him until he was cold. Then we put him in a little box with a flower and some sunflower seeds and my husband buried him under our apple tree this morning. He was about 5 weeks old. I never thought I would feel so awful as I do. I am still crying while I write about him. I feel like it's my fault I guess... maybe if I'd not taken him out or if I'd handled him more carefully and given him to my husband to check when he was sitting down on a soft chair so as not to drop him. )o:
That's it. Hope everybody else is doing well. I am reading the gerbil mail, but it's difficult cuz I work full time and have been sickly lately. My husband tries to read it all everyday. So even if we don't write, we are still trying to keep up with what is going on with all our new gerbil friends.
PS: Here is a link to a picture of Pandora and Blade but it's not wonderful... it's all I could get up on the Internet for now. http://home.earthlink.net/~shellndon/gerbil.html
The Pandora Clan
And Gerbie (of the wild)

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