> SO....we're about ready to go back to the aquarium
> idea but had a hard time making a water bottle fit the
> sliding mesh lid and obviously don't want them chewing
> through annother lid, and possibly escaping this time.
>  Does anyone know of a really good gerbil aquarium
> set-up, with good water bottle fitted in a way that it
> can't be chewed up and no way to get out the mesh top?
> Since our local pet store doesn't seem to have a good
> option, maybe there's an online gerbil supply source?
> <:-)

I have found the best setup is an aquarium with a lid made of hardware
cloth.  This is 1/4 inch wire mesh and I don't see how they could chew
through it.  The wheel needs to hang over the side or from the top, that way
it can't get stuck for them to climb on it.  I like the Oasis Bell bottles,
they are hard to chew and don't seem to leak.

> Final question: Wheels. We can't find a metal wheel
> that seems safe for gerbil tails, and every plastic
> one we try, they chew up overnight. Right now we have
> the standard wire wheel anyway, and cross our fingers
> that their tails won't get broken. It also squeaks,
> and we have tried Pam, crisco, and safflower oil--all
> wear off in a day or two. Any suggestions? We aren't
> sure what lubricant is safe for them to ingest,
> either...aaack.

See http://members.home.net/tlr-gerbilry/toys.html for ideas on making
wheels safe.

> Thanks for any advice,
> Dana
> (on behalf of busy gerbils Fluffy and Sarah)
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Tana and The Little Rascals

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