Welcome new members, Here are a some important rules
regarding the care
of gerbils, (This will now appear in the Archive and
can be refered to
by entering "Welcome new members" in the search) :
1) Do not use Cedar Shavings.
2) Its not recommended to use pine if you have baby
gerbils. You can make it safer for adults, by letting
it air out in an open box for a week. You can use kiln
baked pine.
The best types of bedding are Carefresh, Aspen,
Corncob or plain paper
and cardboard.
3) Do not introduce adult gerbils to each other
without having a secure wire mesh divider between
them. They will fight. Baby gerbils 4 weeks up
to 10 weeks will get along even if they don't know
each other.
4) Never introduce a single gerbil to a group of
gerbils. This will upset their hierarchy and they will
fight. However, if they are all babies then it can be
5) Check water bottles often they sometimes stop
6) If using Habitrail / SAM enclosures check daily for
signs of gnawing where connections are etc.. Gerbils
have escaped from these cages.
Aquariums are better.
7) Do not grab your gerbil by the tail or quickly from
above. The end of the tail will fall off, also Hawks
and owls eat gerbils in Mongolia.
8) Unscented plain Bathroom tissue, paper towels,
napkins, or tissues are best for gerbils to make their
Beds / nest with. Do not use cloth materials, the
fibers can wrap around limbs, feet and toes causing
9) Information in books is not always correct, more
accurate information can be found on the internet and
this mailing list. Many times the information in books
is based on raising mice.
10) If you want to have a group of gerbils, Males put
together as babies
will generally get along. (The possibility of a
dispute occurring can still happen) Groups of females
tend to have a greater chance of a dispute occurring.
Trios can sometimes work. Females are best kept in
11) Feed a good seed mix for gerbils or hamsters which
has dry dog/cat food, dry peas, and unsweetened
breakfast cereal added. Try not to feed too many
sunflower seeds. If the seed mixure has a lot, you can
add Canary bird seed to it. You can also feed
mealworms, crickets, and any grain product safe for
12) Read the Gerbil FAQ.

Gary's web pages - http://home.talkcity.com/StudioDr/go5/

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