I have 2 black....1 male, 1 female, both purchased at the same time from a
pet store.  I assume they are brother and sister.  I am assuming they were
8-10 weeks when I got them and I have had them for 2 months...so they should
be ~4 mo old.

They are active and playful.  They even have boxing matches every once in a
while but I have seen no evidence of mating.  I was thinking that after they
had a litter I would then seperate males and females.

Since I understand the dad helps with the litter would it be a problem to
remove him too soon?  I'm afraid that once she has a litter she will get
pregnant again before i can split them.  I guess she will eventuall get
pregnant or does it happen that sometimes they just don't?  My other concern
is seperating them since they have been together thus far.  If I seperate
them with their litter is that usually enough to keep them happy or will they
miss each other?  I'm considering getting another pair and matching males to
females.  I figure that would eliminate the potential inbreeding problems.  
And btw...I'm pretty sure she is a female...she has not testes....he does.

Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.

Regarding cleaning cages with a vacuum....I use a bagless one.  It works
pretty good except it occasionally clogs the hose with clumps so I scoop out
the bulk of it and finish with a vacuum.  My cages are connected by 2.5"
flexible hoses (like the big ones you see on vacuums at the car wash so I
just shew them to the next cage.

Regarding taking pictures in an aquarium with a flash...don't shoot straight
on....shoot at an angle and you shouldn't have any trouble with the flash
reflecting in the picture.

Regarding computer viruses....you do not get viruses simply by opening an
email.  You get viruses by opening an attachment to an email.  A good
practice is to never open an attachment from someone you don't know or from a
public source such as a listserv.  Scan all attachments before opening.  
Viruses are usually spread by files with .exe extentions.  Never open an
attachment with .vbs extention.

Thanks for your help!
Todd in NYC

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