>Oh gosh, here we go. Now everyone has to voice their opinion.

It's not opinion, it's fact.  Sorry.

>I get it, its illegal....but several breeders ship this way..


>Its illegal tocheck the packages unless they think its a bomb
>or an illegal drug..I've read up on this,

Where may I ask?

>and some breeders have told me this because I have doubted
>wanting to receive gerbils this way.

And just because they do it, they will tell you what you want to
hear so you will pay and accept the animals....

Just because people do it doesn't mean it's right, safe, or legal.

The USPS has the right to open ANYTHING presented to be
mailed.  There are other laws setting conditions, but they can
open anything if needed.  If someone were to complain to
that particular office about such things happening, they might
start inspecting packages that didn't rustle like they were
straight papers (chuka chuka).  Usually they ask the presenter
to open it or it won't be accepted...and if they think it's
contraband or illegal drugs or explosives, they may take it
in the back and open it, but detain you or otherwise get
your name and address.

So, if a post office looks at your box labeled lizards, and asks
you to open it...either you don't and leave with your box, you
open it and it had better have lizards in it, or you are now
at the mercy of what they want to do (let you leave with your
box, or have you arrested and file charges).

Near holidays I've had the postal worker hand me a cutter
and the tape and ask me to open my box marked books...
and would not take it until it was shown to be containing
books (special fourth class rate).

Frankly, after some of the stuff I got back after paying
the extra $ to send it overnight and getting a mangled
tatter with enough of my address to return it...I would
hate to think of anything living having been the contents.

I know, most of the time the mail goes through, but.

A class 4 felony is a serious charge, and will cost a LOT
to pay for defense, and if convicted you get a MINIMUM
of one year prison and three years probation.  Plus for
the rest of your life you have a felony on your record...
and a lot more employers are requiring full background
checks and won't hire you if that comes up.  And it's
not discrimination.  All but the smallest rural post offices
have closed circuit tv now, and if they have you on tape
presenting the box, you will be convicted, as that is
enough proof.

That is why it keeps getting brought up.  Get caught
and you're going to be in trouble.  If you don't, what
happens if the animals get crushed, get loose,

That is why I will keep getting on it.  It's not safe.  It's
not legal.  I know there isn't a real other way that's
as convenient and inexpensive.

If you really want to get gerbils or send your gerbils
somewhere, there have been a lot of kind souls
willing to transport animals as they go on trips.

And they post to this forum.

I have not offered because I haven't travelled more
than a few hours from home in the last four years.
If I do, I certainly will take rideshare critters with me
if it can be worked in.

Rebel's Rodent Ranch

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