Tony wrote:

> I don't know if you know this, but it's _very_ easy
> to tell male and females
> apart, especially in adults.  The Anal area on a
> male is much further away
> from the little dimple than on the females.

She does now, since the couple turned out to have

> You should never really touch the pups this early.
> You risk having the
> female, (or the male) kill the pups as they'll have
> your scent on them...
> you were probably lucky.

I don't know who told you that Tony, but that is
absolutely untrue of gerbils. Hamsters are prone to
destroying handled pinkies I've heard, but gerbils
rarely do this. If you have had such an experience it
was one of the rare exceptions.

> What sort of bedding are you using?  Make
> *absolutely* sure it is NOT Cedar.
> Although it is disputed I am positive that the odour
> from the Cedar can
> kill.  Especially in the young.  Not having much
> experience with breeding I
> can't give anything more specific... but I'm sure
> other people on the list
> can.
> Tony Pottrell
Below is what you somehow missed reading in her
original message...

> >Recently, I changed back from
> corn cob bedding to
> > Carefresh, because my husband complained of the
> gerbil smell.

One thing that should be stressed here is "do not
blame yourself, Jean". Many, many beginners have had
some bad experiences in the beginning. That is how we
began to learn more. That is the reason for lists like
this. So those who have learned can spread their
knowledge to those just beginning. So don't beat
yourself up over any past mistakes. It is obvious that
you care and are trying your best to do what is right
for the gerbies.

I hope someone here can help with knowledge of
handling respiratory infections.


The Spice Gerbils

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