
Package network:osmocom:nightly/osmo-trx failed to build in Debian_9.0/aarch64

Check out the package for editing:
  osc checkout network:osmocom:nightly osmo-trx

Last lines of build log:
[  271s] [  244.885123] dracut-initqueue[473]: Warning: dracut-initqueue 
timeout - starting timeout scripts
[  272s] [  245.555660] dracut-initqueue[473]: Warning: dracut-initqueue 
timeout - starting timeout scripts
[  272s] [  246.224968] dracut-initqueue[473]: Warning: dracut-initqueue 
timeout - starting timeout scripts
[  273s] [  246.875699] dracut-initqueue[473]: Warning: dracut-initqueue 
timeout - starting timeout scripts
[  274s] [  247.535062] dracut-initqueue[473]: Warning: dracut-initqueue 
timeout - starting timeout scripts
[  274s] [  247.541784] dracut-initqueue[473]: Warning: Could not boot.
[  274s]          Starting Setup Virtual Console...
[  274s] [  OK  ] Started Setup Virtual Console.
[  274s]          Starting Dracut Emergency Shell...
[  274s] Warning: /dev/disk/by-uuid/00750419-b769-40be-aa7a-a81dca13c577 does 
not exist
[  274s] 
[  274s] Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
[  274s] 
[  274s] 
[  274s] Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue.
[  274s] Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
[  274s] You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick 
or /boot
[  274s] after mounting them and attach it to a bug report.
[  274s] 
[  274s] 
[  336s] dracut:/# ### WATCHDOG TRIGGERED, KILLING VM ###
[  337s] /var/cache/obs/worker/root_7/root: 47694
[  337s] qemu-system-aarch64: terminating on signal 15 from pid 10326 ()
[  337s] ### VM INTERACTION END ###
[  337s] /var/run/obs/worker/7/build/build-vm: line 458: kill: (47687) - No 
such process
[  337s] No buildstatus set, either the base system is broken 
[  337s] or the build host has a kernel or hardware problem...

gave up after 12 failed build attempts...

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