On 13/07/2011 22:08, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:05:08PM +0100, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
To rule out traffic interference I tried my normal PVR run on a box that
terminates almost straight into transit peers and LINX, with no problems.
I also ran a custom PVR for ISIHAC, but this time ran into the problems you

Although, it's just occurred to me that my normal run didn't include any
radio programmes, only TV.

I ran a TV download earlier, 90 minutes on flashvhigh and it came down fine. Radio is problematic. I have spent all evening between two laptops and have _just_ managed to get two half-hour and one fifteen-minute programs from R4 and R4Ex and I have tried Windows command line and the PVR.

What I have noticed is that where the stream fails but re-starts itself, it adds more MB to the file size. So, a continuously failing copy of a fifteen-minute episode of Vanity Fair, which should be around 20MB gets to 30MB+ and keeps getting bigger.

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