On Sat, 2012-01-07 at 09:31 +0000, Chris Marriott wrote:
> David - why do all your messages show up on the list as an empty message 
> with the text in an attachment? Yours are the only ones that do. Is it some 
> strange setting in your mail client?

All my messages are S/MIME-signed. Perhaps it gets rendered oddly by
your mail client when mailman appends an unsigned signa^H^H^H^H^Htrailer
to each message? It looks sane here: http://david.woodhou.se/mail.png

Does the direct message (you should receive both a direct and a
via-the-list copy of this message) look saner? 

I see you're using something similar to Outlook, which is fairly
well-known for its non-standard and indeed quite broken behaviour in
many respects. (That goes for its reply behaviour too, btw; please try
to quote only what you *need* to quote for context, and place your
replies below that.)


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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