From a recent thread here:

On 12/01/2013 11:16, Jon Davies wrote:
since for reasons I never quite understood, probably lost in the mists
of time, get_iplayer doesn't seem to download the best quality stream
it can find by default...

If anyone has an argument one way or the other for changing this, please chime in. The argument I can think of for the current default is that it prevents new users from eating bandwidth with hd/vhigh downloads they may not want. To quantify: the size difference between high and hd for a one hour programme is nearly 900 MB, between high and vhigh is around 300 MB. My completely uneducated guess is that fewer people these days have bandwidth caps, but those numbers would make a real difference in download time if you have a slow broadband connection.

My own inclination is towards grubby compromise: add vhigh to the default TV modes but leave hd as optional. That would sort of mimic the iPlayer site, where HD is not the default when you click to the player page from a programme listing.

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