On Fri, 2013-07-19 at 17:19 +1200, Xtra wrote:
> Few people these days have the the time or inclination to scroll
> through often repeated screeds of historical background to finally get
> to the latest contribution 

Which is why you're supposed to *trim* your citations. As I have done
here, for example — not even citing a whole sentence, because I don't
*need* any more to give context. If you want more context, the previous
email in the thread is only a click away, in any sane threaded mailer or
on the archive.

To trim my citation as I did, I only need to use my mouse to select the
part I want to cite, then hit the 'Reply-All' button. It's *so* trivial,
it *really* annoys me when people are so lazy and inconsiderate as to
blindly repeat *all* of the email that they're replying to.

You say it "seems more efficient". It might be "more efficient" to you
to save those few seconds, right at that moment. But it is incredibly
rude to *all* the recipients of your message, who then have to attempt
to make sense of the excessive crap you've posted.

This is not an acceptable topic of discussion for this list. You are
expected to trim your citations to the minimum, and you are expected to
place your reply *below* them. Those rules of basic consideration don't
just go back to 2003; they go back to the 1980s or even beyond.

If I could easily enforce that rule (as I do the HTML and threading
based rules), I would.

It's not just about considerate behaviour per se; it's also because
there is a *strong* correlation between conformance to the rules, and
the actual quality of what people are saying in their "contributions".

So by filtering out those who can't even drive an email client properly,
I *also* benefit the majority of readers of the list (and I'm speaking
of *many* lists here, not just this one).

You have to be at least --->  <--- this tall to post here.

Since I'm being grumpy today, here's another topic which is not
acceptable on this list: the use of get_iplayer to bypass rules on
geographical availability or to violate copyright law.

Yes, we all know that it's possible to use proxies or VPN to access
iPlayer content from elsewhere (either with get_iplayer or other
methods). And once you have a video file, it's possible to burn it to
DVD and do all kinds of things with it that you shouldn't.

But get_iplayer does *not* exist to facilitate that, and this list does
not exist to facilitate discussion of it.

The get_iplayer tool exists to allow *genuine* access to BBC content by
those who are *supposed* to be allowed to access it, and for the purpose
for which the BBC makes it available.

Please do not poison these waters by discussing things on this list
which do not belong here.


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