Hi Vangelis,

On 17/12/13 17:09, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
On Tue Dec 17 13:25:23 GMT 2013, Budgie wrote:

I have Composer of the Week as a regular
download using pvr.
I have had no problems, I assume because pvr uses
programme name not pid.

Hello once again, Budgie!
I do hope you are sorting out your problematic audio files...

I wish!!! Have been deflected by another problem; see my post concerning Seek Tables.

Without peaking into the internal intricacies of the PVR
(which I believe is part of the main get_iplayer perl script),
and only because I do not use it, I'd say that the PVR uses
the same "mediaselector4" URL that the CLI does, so that
normally there shouldn't be a difference between the file
downloaded manually via the CLI or the one downloaded via
a scheduled PVR run; and - I stand to be corrected on that -
"programme name not pid" shouldn't make a difference either,
as the "Programme Name" eventually points GiP to a pid to
use for its download function...

Just to make sure, please check among the folder/list of your
"Composer of the Week" recordings that the episode for
Tue 10/12/2013 (titled  Iceland_2._The_Geyser_Erupts)
is indeed the correct one, with an ~ 1hr duration.

Looks OK to me. Correct episode and duration 1:06:00 according to VLC. Not tried to play it yet as it has not been uploaded to NAS.

If it is, then a logical explanation would be this:

Sometime after the first broadcast of the radio show
(that initially aired on Tue 10/12/2013 @12:00 GMT)
the beeb uploaded the correct 1hr long audio file on the CDN;
this remained there until later in that same day a scheduled
repeat of the show aired at 18:30 GMT - it shouldn't have been, but a
second (wrong) audio file was uploaded to the CDN, this one


and the ms4 URL redirected to this new one, while the ms5 URL still
pointed to the
correct initial one...

So it seems highly probable that you had been lucky and your scheduled
PVR run
was performed sometime during that short time frame between, say, 13:30
GMT ->
20:00 GMT last Tuesday, when only the one (correct) audio file was there
for grabs...

My --pvr runs as daily cron job at 02:10 hours.

OT: May I take this opportunity to wish all of those reading this a
very Merry Christmas (.i.e. for the Christians among you that observe
it) and
a Happy New Year (only the Gods and the BBC know what, if any, havoc awaits
get_iplayer and us users come next year, with the announced advent of DRM'd
audio downloads...)

Festive Greetings,

And to you my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year and thanks once more for your kind help.


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