Ok. I think I've just answered my own question. The BBC must have
changed the programme data since 10 May when I first created the PVR
search via the Web UI - I presume the web UI uses it's own cache since
search results are different.

When I first created the series search via the web UI the resulting search was:

> search0 ^Coast\: Coast Australia$

I just forced a manual refresh via the web UI and re-added the series
and it was created as:

> search0 ^Coast$

So it looks like I'm just being caught out by the BBC changing the
programme data as broadcast date approaches/passes.

I still seem to get more recording "misses" with programmes containing
colons - in hindsight maybe the same thing is happening - the BBC move
the ":Series 2" from the series name into the episode name. I'll watch
out for future instances in case there's a trend - I guess there is no
way to catch this other than keeping a close eye on your PVR search

Thanks again for your help everybody.

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