Steve James <> writes:

> On Tuesday 01 Jul 2014 16:48:08 TQ wrote:
>> > On 01 July 2014 at 16:22 SquarePenguin
>> > <> wrote:
>> > 
>> > George DiceGeorge wrote:
>> > > its a serious problem if it emails your password
>> > > and youve used the same password elsewhere
>> > > for emails, banking etc.
>> > > 
>> > > [g]
>> > 
>> > That would be unfortunate, but it would also be utterly
>> > incomprehensibly
>> > stupid to use the same passwords for this list and for your banking.
>> And unbelievably stupid. I'm sure though, were it to be checked, that at
>> least one person (and probably more) on this mailing list is guilty.
> Hello. Are you one of the -- no doubt many -- shame-faced password over-users?
> I can adopt a smug grin at this point because I have a unique password for 
> every  single site I use, each is long and has special characters and 
> numbers. 
> Better still: I don't know what any of them are! Can I unashamedly take this 
> opportunity to promote LastPass to you? [1] You won't know how you survived 
> without it...
>  [1] - 
>       - This link should get us both 1 month premium membership for free :-)
Or you can use "Keepassx" from your distros repos, and it won't cost you
a penny.

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