On Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:20:19 +0000
dinkypumpkin <dinkypump...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The BBC have removed the programme data feeds used by get_iplayer, so 
> search and PVR functions no longer work. There is no programme 
> information to cache, and it was the cache that supported search and
> PVR functions. There is no fix available at this time. You can still 
> download individual programmes via PID or URL.
> http://iplayerhelp.external.bbc.co.uk/tv/feeds

This is annoying, the RSS feeds have gone and it looks like the only
thing in the meantime (assuming nitro provides what RSS did - I doubt
it (my bet is a privacy cost)) is the terrible iplayer website. All
mouse-overs and shiny-shiny and graphics and other web gimmicks - I
think they follow that stupid fashion of simulating frames with fixed
elements (the nitro developer site does). Frames were poor 15 years
ago, they are still no good even though the effect is currently trendy.
In fact they are often worse now, vertical pixels are relatively scarce
these days compared to the days of 4:3 screens!

>From a bit of a look at the nitro stuff it looks like the BBC have got
some contractor in, Apigee. They provide analytics and other forms of
web2.0 spyware, I doubt the mostly anonymous use of iplayer that can be
done now is going to be tolerated. Oh well, Channel 4 make things
unusable too, I guess the same workaround will be needed for the BBC


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