> *From:* Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer 
> <jn.ml.gti...@wingsandbeaks.org.uk>
> *To:* get_iplayer@lists.infradead.org
> *Date:* Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:23:31 +0000
> "artisticforge ." <artisticfo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Cannot download because get_iplayer is determining that the 
> >program is not available because it has not yet been broadcast.
> >
> >http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/programmes/schedules/this_week
> >http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04mbmzb
> A few minutes ago I got a bbc server error trying to access that 
> latter URL.
> Still using v2.84, with various changes of my own, via a script 
> which issued a get command for me, I get a different error:
>  INFO: Search args: ''
>  INFO: Will try prog types: radio
>  INFO: Loaded history for first check.
>  INFO: Loading recordings history
>  INFO: Programme not in history
>  INFO: Got 2 file cache entries for radio
>  ERROR: Programe Type '' does not exist. Try using --refresh
> So... nothing about unavailability.  What do you get when you 
> include 
>   --verbose
> in your command?
> The command that was executed here (spaced-out for legibility) was:
>  "C:\StrawberryPerl_V5-16-2-1\perl\bin\perl.exe" 
>    "C:\My Dropbox\CLIpgms\get_iplayer_2-84_008_JN20141008.pl" 
>    --type=radio 
>    --profiledir "C:\My Dropbox\JN_GetiPlayerCachesEtc" 
>    --output "C:\GiP" 
>    --pid b04mbmzb 
>    --verbose 
>    --long 
>    --fatfilename 
>    --whitespace 
>    --rtmp-radio-opts "--timeout 95" 
>    --file-prefix "$GRAB-SN130-002357 R=<nameshort> - 
>      S<seriesnum> E<episodenum> - E=<episodetitle> 
>      'E=<episode>' P=<pid> M=<mode> Z=<duration> 
>       F=<firstbcastdate> L=<lastbcastdate>" 
>    --aactomp3 
>    --no-tag 
>    --get ""
> This form of command has worked for lots of previous fetches.  
> -- 
> Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

That PID works fine here using GIP 2.87 under Windows (with some output
cut for brevity):
C:\Program Files\get_iplayer>get_iplayer --pid b04mbmzb --type=radio
get_iplayer v2.87, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO: Episode-only pid detected
INFO: Trying pid: b04mbmzb using type: radio
INFO: Trying to stream pid using type radio
INFO: pid not found in radio cache

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Checking existence of default version
INFO: flashaacstd1,flashaaclow1 modes will be tried for version default
INFO: Trying flashaacstd1 mode to record radio: Choral Evensong -
Gloucester Cathedral
INFO: File name prefix = Choral Evensong - Gloucester Cathedral
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license:
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration              3596.49
INFO:   moovPosition          36.00
INFO:   audiocodecid          mp4a
INFO:   aacaot                2.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate       44100.00
INFO:   audiochannels         2.00
INFO: tags:
INFO:   -®too                 Lavf54.29.104
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   length                158605312.00
INFO:   timescale             44100.00
INFO:   language              und
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype            mp4a
142000.922 kB / 3596.47 sec (99.9%)
Download complete
INFO: Recorded D:\Documents\iplayer_recordings\Choral Evensong -
Gloucester Cathedral.mp3


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