On 01/11/2014 01:29, Steven Maude wrote:

At a glance, robots.txt doesn't seem to disallow accessing the sections
needed. In the terms of use, there is this though:

"(d) You agree to use BBC Online Services and access, download, view
and/or listen to BBC Content as supplied to you by the BBC and you may
not, and you may not assist anyone to, or attempt to, reverse engineer,
decompile, disassemble, adapt, modify, copy, reproduce, lend, hire,
rent, perform, sub-license, make available to the public, create
derivative works from, broadcast, distribute, commercially exploit,
transmit or otherwise use in any way BBC Online Services and/or BBC
Content in whole or in part except to the extent permitted in these
Terms of Use, any relevant Additional Terms and at law."

If I'm downloading pages automatically and automatically reading certain
sections of the HTML, is that viewing it as supplied to me by the BBC?

I'm no lawyer, but on the face of it I would say we're clear.

"as supplied to you by the BBC" says to me that it mustn't be modified,
not that it mustn't be stored.


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