
I may have missed something , but where is there any mention of the 
www.bbc.co.uk website programme schedules going away?

This will be sorted out. 
I am a happy camper, the Sunday morning programs came down as normal  and pain 
levels are manageable today, so all is good with the world.

Sent from my iPad
terry l. ridder ><>

> On Nov 2, 2014, at 7:17, Roger Bell_West <ro...@firedrake.org> wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 02, 2014 at 08:52:09AM +0000, Chris Allison wrote:
>> some good ideas there, but there is no need to scrape the web pages
>> when all the schedule info you could possibly need is available in
>> xml, json and yaml files at urls of this form:
>> www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/programmes/schedules/fm/this_week.json
>> www.bbc.co.uk/radio4extra/programmes/schedules/2014/11/1.json
>> www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/programmes/schedules/last_week.json
> Please check the headers you get back from any such request, though:
> X-Aps-Deprecation-Notice: APS is soon to be deprecated. It will first
> of all cease to be supported on a 24/7 basis, and will then cease
> responding entirely. Nitro is the BBC's new API for programme data,
> and can provide all the information previously provided by APS. Go
> here to read more: http://developer.bbc.co.uk/nitro
> It's nice to have for now, but I wouldn't go building any serious
> infrastructure on it.
> Roger
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