On 4 November 2014 01:51, Peter S Kirk <peter.k...@isauk.biz> wrote:

> Email a complaint to the "Ministry of Fun" aka

Incredibly ill-though out idea.

> regarding:
> 1. The double speak in:
> "...designed to clamp down on clients such as XBMC or get_iplayer, which
> allow programmes to be watched or recorded."
> "The iPlayer team continues to work hard to maximise access to the iPlayer
> across a wide range of platforms and devices."

What they ACTUALLY wrote:

> "The iPlayer RSS feeds were never designed or intended to support them," 
> Billings added. "Nitro will almost certainly not support their ways of 
> working".

Do you really not see the difference between what you wrote -
"designed to clamp down on" - and what the beeb wrote - "were never
designed or intended to support"?

It's this kind of knee-jerk, butt-hurt "everyone on the outrage bus"
reaction which'll get this whole project shut down, if anything does.

The answer lies in intelligent technical resolutions, not teenage
rebellious emails to an entirely irrelevant government body.

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