Yawn, is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?

On 04/11/2014 11:33, Colin Law wrote:
On 4 November 2014 11:18, Alan Milewczyk <a...@soulman1949.com> wrote:
But they will certainly disagree that their content belongs to you and that
you have unfettered rights over it. That's what the LOL was for!
I did not say it belongs to me, I said it belongs to the British
people.  Also I did not say we had unfettered rights, I pointed out
that copyright and royalty issues prevent that.



On 04/11/2014 11:11, Colin Law wrote:
On 4 November 2014 11:01, Alan Milewczyk <a...@soulman1949.com> wrote:
LOL, try arguing that in a court of law! ;-)
I don't see what is LOL about it, and no court is going to disagree
with the statement that the BBC belongs to the State.


On 04/11/2014 10:25, Colin Law wrote:
On 4 November 2014 09:54, Alan Milewczyk <a...@soulman1949.com> wrote:
...The BBC
is sitting on a massive treasure trove. What makes anyone think they
give this up willingly. Ignoring the technical limitations of the BBC
iPlayer, the BBC lets us "enjoy" THEIR content for a limited period.
have with get_iplayer is a way of circumventing the restrictions the
puts on us.
No, it is not /their/ content it is /ours/.  The British people own
the BBC so the content belongs to us.  Though where the copyright is
owned by others (artists etc) or they have royalty rights, then those
issues also need to be addressed.


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