On 05/11/2014 14:51, J wrote:
artisticforge . wrote:
get_iplayer, bypasses all of that and is grabbing a digital copy of
the BBC content. there is a fundamental difference.

I don't follow your overall argument. My Foxsat DVR grabs digital copies of broadcast media and the cheapo sat card in my PC similarly dumps the ts straight to disk. I can hear/view those files without restriction and anyone in the UK could do the same.

Except that quite often the tail end of broadcasts includes announcers giving information about upcoming programmes. Depends what you want and whether you're keeping the recording. For casual stuff I don't care but for other stuff I'm likely to watch a few times then it does matter for me.

In addition, broadcast programmes are often upscaled.

That's why prefer I prefer the get_iPlayer version, but YMMV!


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