The only slowness I have found is at the very start - when connections
are being established. Indeed it has taken more than 5 minutes to
start the PVM List running. However when it finally makes its
connections then radio downloads as fast as ever. And now that I've
switched off the option to convert the downloaded file to MP3 it is as
fast as it always has been.

I steer clear of over-loaded wifi connections though - too many
drop-outs / lost packets / etc. These progs then have to be
re-downloaded manually - which is a pain. The wifi services at
McDonald's the are best (for me)!!!!

However I have noticed that t.v. is painfully slow - I guess due to
the huge files for the default of HD. I always forget to ask for the
non-HD files.

But isn't it great that we can still download the Beeb's programmes
for unsupported mobile devices? All thanks to the development team.
You know who you are!!!


On 18/11/2014, Alan Milewczyk <> wrote:
> Is anyone else experiencing painfully slow radio downloads (Radio 4 and
> Radio4Extra)?
> I've checked my internet connection and there are no problems there, nor
> with the TV downloads.
> I'm on Windows 7 using the latest githead patch, the problem was also
> there with the latest official version v2.90.
> Thanks
> Alan
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