Alan Milewczyk <> wrote:

>Don't think anyone has raised this previously.
>Occasionally a programme download gets screwed up or I need to 
>re-download a prog that's already been downloaded.
>I've set my prefs to append the filename with information on when the 
>programme was last broadcast using:
>fileprefix <title>_<pid>_<lastbcast>
>I've noticed that when doing a --force for radio programmes, it then 
>downloads all instances of a programme including repeats.

That doesn't happen here... provided my download requests are specific to
just a single instance of a programme.  

But if you, say, issue a request for any/all episodes of "Book of the Week""
then the search of the cache would produce a list of all the currently
available episodes of that programme.  Normally the fact that you'd (say)
downloaded most of those already would then prevent g_ip from downloading
them again; your --get command would just get any new ones.

But if you code --force then get_iplayer ignores what you've previously
downloaded, and will try again to download every programme that matches your
search criteria.  To avoid that you need your search criteria to be very
specific, not general.

This mechanism doesn't pay any attention to the name of a downloaded file.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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