"Dave Liquorice" <allso...@howhill.com> wrote:

>On Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:36:27 +0000, Roger Bell_West wrote:
>>> As the download_history is in the current users space what happens on a 
>>> multi user system when more than one user requests the same programme? 
>>> Does it get downloaded for each individual user request?
>> Tempted as I am to say "try it and see", the answer is yes.
>> You could get clever with a group-writeable history file and multiple
>> links to it, I suppose, but I don't think anyone's complained about
>> the current system. It's what a program on a multi-user machine is
>> expected to do: the actions of user A don't affect user B.
>True enough, I guess it comes from being on the 'net since the early '90's 
>via dialup and paying for every second of online time. Even these days I 
>only normally buy 100 GB/month and that can get a bit tight.
>Implimenting a single file store and maintianing inter-user "privacy" would

>be too complicated. A file store that was open and avoided duplicate 
>downloads should be a lot easier, the various cache files could usefully 
>come into this as well. Programme file owned rw by whoever downloaded it, 
>group readable, an option to turn it on with a given path (defaults to no 
>path - off), cache files rw by group.
>Just an idea, I don't expect to see anything unless the itch I have gets to

>great and I scratch it.  B-)

I run G_ip on Windows PCs, but have it set up so that the cache and history
and settings files are all in a Dropbox folder (of course I do understand
that all machines have their own copy of that, but the principle is one of a
common set of files).   

I use a wrapper for G_ip that builds the overall command; it's aware of
which machine it's running on and makes machine-specific decisions.  It
specifies fully

  - the location of the perl interpreter, so I needn't use the same
    version of perl on each machine; I wouldn't be likely to update
    all of them at the same time...

  - the location of the G_iP perl script (and which one; as I modify it
    myself I have each release's original & successive revisions)

  - the location of the cache files, via --profiledir

  - the location of the settings files; actually I have n separate
    files, one per machine, all in the common folder; I changed the
    G_iP perl script to read a machine-file called


    where machinid is a suitably-set environment variable that affects
    almost every script I run.  Also, appending ".txt" to the filename
    makes it easier to open it in a texteditor; Windows isn't keen on
    files with no extension.

    Inside the machine-specific settings files are the machine-specific 
    locations of all the helper applications.

  - I also changed the G_iP script to use separate files for the radio
    and tv download histories, and my wrapper knows about that too, not
    so it can build commands with specific history-file names, but so 
    it can directly open the files for other reasons

I have scheduled tasks defined on all the machines to run G_iP every 25
minutes to refresh the cache files.  However the script that gets run
(actually the wrapper, again) checks a flag file, also in a common Dropbox
folder to say which machine's scheduled task is actually meant to do the
work; the tasks on the other machines just start & stop immediately having
observed that it's not their role that day.  

One of the jobs the wrapper script does is prevent manual activities that
might interfere with scheduled-task ones, or manual ones happening on all
machines at once, from interfering with each other.  It also looks for
problems caused by Dropbox syncing not happening timeously etc.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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