"Dave Liquorice" <allso...@howhill.com> wrote:

>Is it possible to pickup from the "Download Completed" point? 
> I run get_iplayer on a Raspberry Pi using a NAS as the download location
> and also processing the files there via SMB.

Could you download to a disk attached directly to the RPi and then move
complete downloaded/converted files to the NAS afterwards?

>Asking for the programme again is rejected as it's in the history file and 
> suggests --force. Using --force gets a complaint that the file exists and
> is skipped.  B-(

One way around that is to use a script to issue the G_ip command and in the
script build the target filename for the download using something that
changes, eg the date/time of the download attempt (I put a unique sequence
number into every fetch; apart from anything else that makes it dead easy to
find fetch-attempt-specific info in logs etc afterwards).   Of course that
does mean that in other situations an incautious script could generate many
files rather than just one. 

>Removed the programmes entry in the history file, still skips. Adds --force

>still skips.

With --verbose in the command, can you find out why it still skips?>

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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