Hi - thank you again for your amazing help. Huh - I only mentioned
using Audacity in passing since that is what I was using (and failing
with). I also tried Streaming Star HiDownload and StreamTransport even
Orbit but they all failed too. That was when I decided to risk posting
to the list here. Now I've junked Audacity - well for recording RTE
streams anyway!!! Its great to have a way of downloading direct from
RTE. Again thank you - Chris B.

On 18/02/2015, Vangelis forthnet <northmed...@the.forthnet.gr> wrote:
> On Tue Feb 00 07:35:09 GNT 2015, CJB wrote:
>> Part 2 took an hour with Audacity
>> (then there were some disconnections
>> / interruptions involving editing).
>  If by "Part 2" you mean that:
> http://www.rte.ie/lyricfm/the-lyric-feature/programmes/2015/0130/676840-the-lyric-feature-friday-30-january-2015/?clipid=1790964
> why would you use Audacity to record it?
> IIANM, Audacity records from your sound card
> in "real  time" (i.e. as the audio is being played back
> in your browser), so you have:
> 1. Decoding from HE-AAC to Wave
> 2. Encoding from Wave to the audio codec of your choice (LAME MP3?).
> 3. Possible pollution of the recorded sound from other "audio" sources in
> your machine...
> The point of me posting that detailed tutorial was that
> it could be applied to other radio programmes, too!
> FWIW, the rtmpdump command for the Jan 30th broadcast is:
> rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://fmsod.rte.ie:1935/" -a "rtevod" -f "WIN 16,0,0,305" -W
> "http://www.rte.ie/static/radio/radioplayer/rteradioweb_70_osmf.swf"; -p
> "http://www.rte.ie/radio/utils/radioplayer/rteradioweb.html"; -C O:1 -C
> O:0 -y
> "mp4:/audio/2015/0130/20150130_rtelyricfm-thelyricfeature-thelyricfe_cl10368209_10370397_261_/20150130_rtelyricfm-thelyricfeature-thelyricfe_cl10368209_10370397_261_.mp4"
>  -o "The Lyric Feature Friday 30 January 2015 - Freeborn Man (part 2).flv"
> Regards.
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