Jim web <w...@audiomisc.co.uk> wrote:

> ... but 2.91 gets me 48k files with a different filename syntax

Output filenames are entirely dependent on G_ip options; either one sets
them explicitly oneself from a mix of template & literal data (as I do), or
one has a default template applied.  

For example, the template that my frontend generated for a radio programme
fetch a few minutes ago was:

"$GRAB-SN130-003130 R=<nameshort> [20150316 Mar16] S<seriesnum>
E<episodenum> - E=<episodetitle> 'E=<episode>' P=<pid> M=<mode> Z=<duration>
F=<firstbcastdate> L=<lastbcastdate>"

(the first part is a machine-specific grab sequence number, which makes
finding relevant log lines later on simpler, if I need to).  This produces a
filename like:

$GRAB-SN130-003130 R=Brain of Britain [20150316 Mar16] S E - E= 'E=Heat 12,
2015' P=b055g12p M=flashaacstd Z=1680 F=2015-03-16 L=2015-03-16.mp3

[The reason that seriesnum, episodenum, episodetitle and episode are all in
there is that over time I've found that different combinations of them have
had the values I actually want.  Recent changes in derivation of these
values may have made this unnecessary.  Time will tell.  Anyway, once such a
file has been fetched I rename it, mainly by deleting the unnecessary parts.
It's far easier to delete bits than add them...]


The constituent parts of such templates are parsed out of metadata, and
there are continuing changes to where metadata is sourced from and how it is

If you haven't already done so you should read the release notes for each
successive version of G_ip to see how the values extracted from metadata
have changed.  See:

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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