On Thu May 28 23:14:02 BST 2015, Owen Smith wrote:

When did dinkypumpkin stop posting here?

You can always check the list archives for that: http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/get_iplayer/

Last "help" contribution was posted on Dec 29th 2014:

for the postings announcing new get_iplayer releases. If they're not being made here any more,

That he DID DO for tag 2.92 release: http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/get_iplayer/2015-March/007342.html
(this constitutes his only list post in 2015 so far...)

And why did dinkypumpkin stop posting here?

You'd have to ask him yourself, as no reason was given here...

then w(h)ere can they be found please?

Apparently, you can get replies from dinkypumpkin himself if you first subscribe and then post your query in Square Penguin's support forum, where DP is acting as "Keymaster": https://squarepenguin.co.uk/all-forums/


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