
I am not a Microsoft Windows user. I have always used Macs & Unix/Linux/BSD.
I have a laptop with Windows 10 installed. I installed
get_iplayer-2.95 several days ago..I transferred my Linux PVR search
files to the laptop

I started up the Web Manager, refreshed the cache, PVR list looked correct.
The refresh cache browser tab states that refresh will run every 1
hours if the tab is left open.
That does not happen.
The 'Run PVR' tab states it will run every 4 hours if the tab is left
open. that does not happen.
When it first runs it is okay. everything is correct as far as I am
able to tell.
It is strictly a one-shot deal.

I am having to close the command window and the browser and restart
the Web Manager.

My gut feeling is that Windows 10 is going to sleep/suspend mode and
that is why get_iplayer-2.95 via the Web Manager is not  running.

hints, comments welcomed.

terry l. ridder ><>

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