From: Vangelis forthnet
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 01:25

You could also have asked me how I handle files with colons in the names.

In all honesty, how could I?

Sorry, my comment was not intended to cause offence. You asked me how I coped with a limitation of a file system I was using. I was merely commenting that there were other frustrations of Linux and Windows file systems affecting the sorts of files this listserver is concerned with. I am sure that if programme makers are inconsiderate enough to include characters proscribed in Windows file names \ / : * ? " < > | in a programme name, get_iplayer will never copy them into a file name. To that extent my comment was off topic.

If one of the proscribed characters does get copied into a file name it makes things very difficult. The file cannot be moved, copied, renamed or deleted in Windows. The move command with short file names is one way of dealing with them, but it is tedious if there is a large number of files.

I recently found a program which claimed to be able to rename such files to remove the forbidden characters, but while it renames correctly in its preview mode, in its live mode it renames some files but not others.

I have now found a suggestion that it can be done with a Powershell script, so I am working on that.

Another possibility is to rename them in Linux, but when I tried an old live Ubuntu CD it was unable to mount an external 2TByte USB FAT32 drive.

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