On 15/02/17 16:22, artisticforge . wrote:
> current .get_player/pvr/Celebration contains
> type radio
> search0 Celebration

I created a PVR search for 'Celebration' and contents are:

type radio
search0 Celebration

Running get_iplayer --pvr returns:

Running PVR Searches:
13647:  Celebration - 29/01/2017, BBC Radio Wales, b08byv5j
13648:  Celebration - 05/02/2017, BBC Radio Wales, b08dm58b
13649:  Celebration - 12/02/2017, BBC Radio Wales, b08f06kl

INFO: 3 Matching Programmes

So I don't think I an replicate the behaviour you're seeing.

> equally odd, the PVR for the radio programme 'Falco'
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00r35gz.html
> returned "10126|radio|5 live NFL - Super Bowl LI|b08dxcd8" because in
> the description is
> the word "Falcons" .

I definitely can't replicate that, I actually don't get any matches for

What's in your preferences ( --show-prefs )?

Have you tried nuking your cache file (or at least temporarily moving
it) and forcing a refresh?

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