On 26/05/2017 17:24, C E Macfarlane wrote:


     Flash is not the problem.  get_iplayer v2.97 only finds the
     and default modes.  The default mode has signing.  You are
     going to have to
     upgrade to a more recent version.

     Modes found by v3.01 are
Thanks for this, you were right  -  the re-downloaded version was again BSL
& AD.  It seems odd that the first two episodes were fine and downloaded as
HD, while the third does not.  Is there not a command-line to force the
correct mode?

Also, I've noticed today that the first two episodes of The Story Of Maths
came down as HD, but the last two came down as SD.

It's not the first time that there has been inconsistency from one episode to another regarding the modes available in a series. Annoying when you get HD for 2 episodes and SD for the last one! The only thing I hope for, especially on BBC Four (where programmes are often repeated after a period of time), is that the issue is remedied on a repeat!


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