On Mon Aug 14 13:19:14 BST 2017, M Clark wrote:

changing all 7 occurrences (sigh...) of
solves the w3*, w1* problem for Me.

Hi Martin; that new code still assumes that both Red Bee & PIPs
PIDs will have "0" as the second character in the string.
I am not saying this is something that will have to be dealt with soon,
but I've watched Red Bee PIDs move from "b08*****" to "b09*****"
and, recently, from "b0909***" to "b0910***", e.g. "b0910w0x".

If this is a pattern, then I expect strings like "b0999***" to appear in the future;
and the next logical (?) step would be strings beginning with "b1******"
(in which case the amended code will break..).
Pure speculation on my part, though...

I haven't done the maths myself (number of permutations of 7 alphanumeric strings),
this is supposed to be a huge integer; but, as PIDs are unique
(can't be recycled), linked to a specific audio-visual offering from the beeb,
that huge number is bound to be exhausted sometime...


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