On 03/03/18 11:09, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Richard,

') - using defaultalue for --ffmpeg-loglevel ('info

If I enter the options again with --prefs-add they work correctly, so
it is no big deal.  Any ideas what is happening?

That line above seems to be overprinting the «')» at the start of the
line suggesting there's an ASCII CR, carriage return, after the `info'
as if a Unix system was reading a POSIX text file of lines ending in
ASCII LF, linefeed, but being fed a DOS one with CR LF pairs.

`od -c foo' will show them, and they can be removed with `sed -i
's/\r$//' foo'.

Thanks, Ralph. That does indeed seem to be the problem. Thanks also for the command to remove the unwanted CR characters. That seems to have cleared everything up.

Best wishes

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