On Wed Jan 16 18:56:20 GMT 2019, George Eycott wrote:
and being audio it will be quicker to let it get on with it and delete them afterwards than it will be to work out a way around it

From 3.18's Long Help file: --mark-downloaded : Mark programmes in search results or specified with --pid/--url as downloaded by inserting records in download history.

So something like:
perl get_iplayer-318w.pl --pid=p04x5pd7 --pid-recursive --mark-downloaded

will insert "history" entries (but not actually fetch audio files) for all 80 available episodes; takes 15sec, max!

Then, properly fetch the latest episode(s) you're after via --pid =<pid> --force; finally, setup a pid-recursive WebPVR recording for series pid=p04x5pd7 and you're good to go...

Hopefully this will save others bandwidth, time, disk space etc...

Best regards

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