In article <>, Jim web

> Can't pin the date down exactly, but around the start of July the rate
> dropped from 320 to 128. I'll try asking, but any reply depends on a
> 'pass the parcel' at the BBC, so no idea when I'll get a response or how
> helpful it may be!

I've now talked to a couple of people about this. The response basically is
that the 320k aac for TV wasn't available via 'sanctioned' routes. Thus it
has been axed because 'no one was needing it'.

I'm in the process of pointing out the weird inconsistency of, by default,
*all* radio - regardless of content type - being available as 320k aac, but
*not* doing this at least for music on TV via iPlayer.

In principle, I could in isolation agree that many types of 'speech'
programme would be fine as 128k aac. And that using the same standard for
all programme content types and stations makes for simplicity of
processing. But it seems clear that both listeners and the BBC have decided
that 320k is beneficial for music. Indeed, this is used to argue that flac
*isn't* needed.

Which then leads to the conundrum that iPlayer TV becomes the poor relation
when it comes to music broadcasts like Proms. A mere 128k aac compared with
the 320k aac of R3 and the 5.1. surround of HDTV DVB-T2, etc! I doubt
bandwidth is the issue because the 320-128 difference compared with the
rate required for the 'best' video is small.

The present situation seesm to be that the BBC policy is that: if you want
to listen to *and* see Proms with excellent sound, *don't* use the iPlayer!

Not good when bandspace is being removed from the Terrestrial TV
broacasting in the UK! (We are currently having another 100MHz chunk
removed and the transmissions squeezed down into a smaller UHF range. And
it isn't clear what may happen to BBC4 yet.)

I'll see how I get on with this line of argument, but I suspect 'decisions
have been taken', end of. :-/

I can only be thankful I have a way to capture DVB-T2 broadcasts while they
remain available!


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

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